About Educational Council for Public Health


Build on a wish to coordinate courses, ensure the quality across related educations at the Faculty of Health, the Educational Council for Public Health was established on 13th September 2016.

The council unites the following educations:

Bachelor and Graduate programmes:

Master Programmes:

The programmes prepare the students to handle both current and future humanitarian and public health challenges. The courses are based on modern and varied learning principles which educate the students in problem identification, and in proposing adequate solutions. The students learn by means of theoretical as well as practical training. Courses are taught by researchers from internationally recognized research environments at Department of Public Health. The ’Educational Council for Public Health’ is also termed ’Public Health School’.










Educational Council works for:

  1. Strengthening the management embedment in the programmes, which contribute to a continued development of the programmes as well as prioritizing of the education field.
  2. Contribution in connecting the work with education performed by the Study Boards and the Departments.
  3. Contribution to profiling of the programmes of the Council towards employers, students and other stakeholders.

Educational Council consider and coordinate questions related to the programmes taking into account reflections involving strategy, education and resources.

Educational Council consider and coordinate questions related to the programmes taking into account reflections involving strategy, education, and resources.

Strategic tasks

  • A yearly discussion of visions and plans for all programmes based on evaluations and reports from the programmes.
  • Debates of other political questions related to the programmes.

Financial tasks

  • Heads of the departments, heads of study and other member currently qualify the implementation of the existing financial setting for the programmes of the Educational Council.

Quality and coordination

  • Support study boards and departmental task by planning, executing, and developing the programmes and the courses.
  • Coordinate the supply of courses and programmes as well as cooperation of development of new courses and programmes.
  • Debate pedagogic and didactic measures within the programmes
  • Contribute to development of the study environment on the various campy
  • Implement knowledge-share across the programmes

Communication tasks

  • Profile and market programmes to employers, students and other stakeholders (both national and international), including development and maintenance the Educational Council´s webpages in cooperation with the communication section of the Faculty of Health (SUND-kommunikation) and departments.

Read the minutes from meetings in the council and the terms of reference.